Breckenridge Raymont Parker, 18601947 (aged 87 years)

Breckenrodge Parker
Breckenridge Raymont /Parker/

1900 United States Federal Census -
Name: Brack R Parker [Buck R Parker]
Age: 39
Birth Date: Dec 1860
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1900: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 51
Family Number: 51
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Marriage Year: 1882
Years Married: 18
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531

1910 United States Federal Census -
Name: Bo?E R Parker [Boke R Parker] [Baker R Parker]
Age in 1910: 49
Birth Date: 1861 [1861]
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1910: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employer, Employee or Other: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Farm or House: Farm
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 28

Citation details: Year: 1910; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T624_1463; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0050; FHL microfilm: 1375476

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 1947
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Mary A Parker
Children: Mary Grace Edge Tommie Parker Vincie Dale Parker Infant Parker
Visit original web source

1870 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckewridge Parker [Breckenridge Parker]
Age in 1870: 9
Birth Date: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Dwelling Number: 48
Home in 1870: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Little River

Citation details: Year: 1870; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1499; Page: 69B; Image: 144; Family History Library Film: 552998

1880 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenridge Parker
Age: 19
Birth Date: Abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1880: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 20
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mariah Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer

Citation details: Year: 1880; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1231; Family History Film: 1255231; Page: 266B; Enumeration District: 063

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Buexenridge Parker [Buckridge Parker] [Buomonidge Paskin]
Age: 59
Birth Year: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
House Number: Farm
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employment Field: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 298

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenrige Parker [Precuenrige Parker] [Breckenridge Parker]
Birth Year: abt 1861
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age in 1930: 69
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 144
Family Number: 145
Radio Set: No
Lives on Farm: Yes
Age at First Marriage: 21
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Class of Worker: Working on own account
Employment: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 2201; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 0013; Image: 539.0; FHL microfilm: 2341935

South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Brecken R Parker [Brecken Ridge Parker]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 87
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 26 Dec 1947
Death Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Marah Parker
Spouse: Mary Watson Parker
Certificate Number: 015714
Volume Number: 32


1900 United States Federal Census -
Name: Brack R Parker [Buck R Parker]
Age: 39
Birth Date: Dec 1860
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1900: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 51
Family Number: 51
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Marriage Year: 1882
Years Married: 18
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531

1910 United States Federal Census -
Name: Bo?E R Parker [Boke R Parker] [Baker R Parker]
Age in 1910: 49
Birth Date: 1861 [1861]
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1910: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employer, Employee or Other: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Farm or House: Farm
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 28

Citation details: Year: 1910; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T624_1463; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0050; FHL microfilm: 1375476

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 1947
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Mary A Parker
Children: Mary Grace Edge Tommie Parker Vincie Dale Parker Infant Parker
Visit original web source

1870 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckewridge Parker [Breckenridge Parker]
Age in 1870: 9
Birth Date: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Dwelling Number: 48
Home in 1870: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Little River

Citation details: Year: 1870; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1499; Page: 69B; Image: 144; Family History Library Film: 552998

1880 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenridge Parker
Age: 19
Birth Date: Abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1880: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 20
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mariah Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer

Citation details: Year: 1880; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1231; Family History Film: 1255231; Page: 266B; Enumeration District: 063

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Buexenridge Parker [Buckridge Parker] [Buomonidge Paskin]
Age: 59
Birth Year: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
House Number: Farm
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employment Field: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 298

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenrige Parker [Precuenrige Parker] [Breckenridge Parker]
Birth Year: abt 1861
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age in 1930: 69
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 144
Family Number: 145
Radio Set: No
Lives on Farm: Yes
Age at First Marriage: 21
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Class of Worker: Working on own account
Employment: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 2201; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 0013; Image: 539.0; FHL microfilm: 2341935

South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Brecken R Parker [Brecken Ridge Parker]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 87
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 26 Dec 1947
Death Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Marah Parker
Spouse: Mary Watson Parker
Certificate Number: 015714
Volume Number: 32

Death of a maternal grandmother

Family Data Collection - Individual Records -
Name: Mary Bellamy
Spouse: Mary Bellamy
Parents: John Bellamy Sarah, Ann Frink
Birth Place: Georgetown, Prince Grg Prsh, SC
Birth Date: 1786
Death Place: Horry
Death Date: 29 Sep 1863

Citation details: Birth year: 1786; Birth city: Prince Grg Prsh; Birth state: SC
Birth of a sister

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Frances Helen Watson
Birth Date: 2 Mar 1866
Death Date: 29 Oct 1945
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: Y
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Franklin Orlando Watson
Children: Maxie O. Watson Edgar H. Watson Parker Ayers Watson Benjamin Miller Watson
Visit original web source

South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Mrs Faucie H Watson [Mrs Faucie H Parker]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 79
Birth Date: 1866
Death Date: 29 Oct 1945
Death Place: Reaves, Marion, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade H. Parker
Mother: Marie Parker
Spouse: F. O. Watson
Certificate Number: 010902
Volume Number: 27

1880 United States Federal Census -
Name: Hellen F. Parker [Helen F. Parker] [Frances Helen Parker]
Age: 14
Birth Date: Abt 1866
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1880: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 20
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mariah Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: At Home

Citation details: Year: 1880; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1231; Family History Film: 1255231; Page: 266B; Enumeration District: 063

1900 United States Federal Census -
Name: Frances H Watson [Frances H Parker]
Age: 34
Birth Date: Mar 1866
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1900: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 52
Family Number: 52
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Franklin O Watson
Marriage Year: 1883
Years Married: 17
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mariah Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Mother: number of living children: 6
Mother: How many children: 8
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531

1910 United States Federal Census -
Name: Francis H Watson
Age in 1910: 44
Birth Date: 1866 [1866]
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1910: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Franklin O Watson
Father's Birthplace: NC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Native Tongue: English
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 27
Number of Children Born: 11
Number of Children Living: 8

Citation details: Year: 1910; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T624_1463; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 0050; FHL microfilm: 1375476

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Francis H Watson [Francis H Walson]
Age: 53
Birth Year: abt 1867
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
House Number: Farm
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Widowed
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employment Field: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 299

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Francis H Watson
Birth Year: abt 1867
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age in 1930: 63
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Mother
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Street Address: Little River Road
Dwelling Number: 176
Family Number: 177
Age at First Marriage: 17
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Able to Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 2201; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0013; Image: 542.0; FHL microfilm: 2341935

1940 United States Federal Census -
Name: Helen Francis Watson
Age: 74
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1866
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck
Sheet Number: 6A
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 79
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 300
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 6th grade
Weeks Worked in 1939: 0
Income: 0
Income Other Sources: Yes
Household Members: 1

Citation details: Year: 1940; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T627_3817; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 26-13

1870 United States Federal Census -
Name: Frances Parker
Age in 1870: 4
Birth Date: abt 1866
Birthplace: SC
Dwelling Number: 48
Home in 1870: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Female
Post Office: Little River

Citation details: Year: 1870; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1499; Page: 69B; Image: 182202; Family History Library Film: 552998

1870 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckewridge Parker [Breckenridge Parker]
Age in 1870: 9
Birth Date: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Dwelling Number: 48
Home in 1870: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Post Office: Little River

Citation details: Year: 1870; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1499; Page: 69B; Image: 144; Family History Library Film: 552998
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a paternal grandmother

U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 -
Name: Ann Parker
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1798
Birth Place: SC
Age: 81
Death Date: Sep 1879
Cause of Death: Dropsy
Census year: 1880
Census Place: Simpson Creek, Horry, SC
Enumeration District: 68
Line: 9

Citation details: Census Year: 1880; Census Location: Horry, South Carolina
Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Son

1880 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenridge Parker
Age: 19
Birth Date: Abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1880: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 20
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mariah Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer

Citation details: Year: 1880; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1231; Family History Film: 1255231; Page: 266B; Enumeration District: 063
1882 (aged 21 years)
Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531
Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531
Death of a father

Web: South Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1729-2012 -
Name: Wade Hampton Parker
Birth Date: 1820
Age at Death: 62
Death Date: 1882
Burial Place: Horry, SC
Visit original web source

Death of a sister
Birth of a daughter

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Julia Todd
Birth Date: 25 May 1894
Death Date: 9 Mar 1975
Cemetery: Todd-Sharon Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Longs, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Spouse: Benjamin Haskell Todd
Children: William Judson Todd Julia Lauren Dusenbury Marjorie Holt Ella Pearle Willard Eva Oneida Martin Benjamin Clayton Todd Benjamin Haskell Todd Mary Nell Thompson
Visit original web source

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Julia A Todd
Birth Year: abt 1895
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age in 1930: 35
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Homemaker?: Yes
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Street Address: Little River Road.
Dwelling Number: 156
Family Number: 157
Age at First Marriage: 19
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: NC
Able to Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 2201; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0013; Image: 540.0; FHL microfilm: 2341935

1940 United States Federal Census -
Name: Julia P Todd
Respondent: Yes
Age: 45
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Inferred Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck
Sheet Number: 8A
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: High School, 1st year
Weeks Worked in 1939: 0
Income: 0
Income Other Sources: No

Citation details: Year: 1940; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T627_3817; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 26-13

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Julia A Todd
Age: 25
Birth Year: abt 1895
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: B Haskell Todd
Able to Speak English: Yes
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 298

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 -
Name: Julia Todd
Social Security Number: 250-64-8652
Birth Date: 25 May 1894
Issue year: 1956
Issue State: South Carolina
Last Residence: 29526, Conway, Horry, SC
Death Date: Mar 1975

Citation details: Number: 250-64-8652; Issue State: South Carolina; Issue Date: 1956

1900 United States Federal Census -
Name: Julia A Parker
Age: 6
Birth Date: May 1894
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1900: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 51
Family Number: 51
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Brack R Parker
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mary A Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes
House Owned or Rented: Own
Farm or House: F

Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531

1910 United States Federal Census -
Name: Julia A Parker
Age in 1910: 15
Birth Date: 1895 [1895]
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1910: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Bo?E R Parker
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Name: Mary A Parker
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Native Tongue: English
Attended School: Yes
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1910; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T624_1463; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0050; FHL microfilm: 1375476

South Carolina, U.S., Births, 1915-1917 -
Name: Julia A. Pasker
Gender: Female
Race: White
Residence Age: 23
Birth Date: 1894
Birth Place: Horry SC
Spouse: B. Hoskell Todd

Citation details: South Carolina Department of Archives and History; Columbia, SC; Birth Certificates; Year Range: 1917
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head

1900 United States Federal Census -
Name: Brack R Parker [Buck R Parker]
Age: 39
Birth Date: Dec 1860
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1900: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 51
Family Number: 51
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Marriage Year: 1882
Years Married: 18
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Occupation: Farmer
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1900; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 1531; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0060; FHL microfilm: 1241531
Birth of a daughter

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Mary G Edge
Birth Year: abt 1901
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age in 1930: 29
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Homemaker?: Yes
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Street Address: Little River Road
Dwelling Number: 138
Family Number: 139
Age at First Marriage: 23
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: NC
Able to Speak English: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0013; FHL microfilm: 2341935

1940 United States Federal Census -
Name: Grace P Edge
Respondent: Yes
Age: 39
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1901
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home in 1940: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Residence in 1935: Dogwood Neck
Sheet Number: 8A
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 110
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 300
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: High School, 2nd year
Weeks Worked in 1939: 0
Income: 0
Income Other Sources: No

Citation details: Year: 1940; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: m-t0627-03817; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 26-13

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Mary Grace Edge
Birth Date: 28 Aug 1900
Death Date: 20 Jun 1964
Cemetery: United Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Longs, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Mother: Mary A Parker
Spouse: Admiral Dewey Edge
Children: Infant Edge
Visit original web source

South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Mary Grace Parker Edge [Mary Grace Parker Parker]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 63
Birth Date: 28 Aug 1900
Birth Place: SC
Death Date: 20 Jun 1964
Death Place: Myrtle Beach, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Breckenridge Parker
Mother: Mary Atilia Watson
Spouse: Admiral Dewey Edge
Certificate Number: 010694

Citation details: South Carolina Department of Archives and History; Columbia, South Carolina; Year Range: 1962-1965; Death County or Certificate Range: 009794 - 011547

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Mary G Parker
Age: 19
Birth Year: abt 1901
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Buexenridge Parker
Mother's Name: Mary A Parker
Able to Speak English: Yes
Attended School: yes
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 87
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head

1910 United States Federal Census -
Name: Bo?E R Parker [Boke R Parker] [Baker R Parker]
Age in 1910: 49
Birth Date: 1861 [1861]
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1910: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employer, Employee or Other: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Farm or House: Farm
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Years Married: 28

Citation details: Year: 1910; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T624_1463; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0050; FHL microfilm: 1375476
Death of a brother

U.S., Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Isaac Benjamin Parker
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 2 Mar 1851
Death Date: 3 Dec 1912
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Susan Emmeline Parker
Children: May Belle Cox Theodosia Sweet Burroughs Susan O. Parker Mariah Elizabeth Royals Joseph Cabot Parker Lutie Parker Edna Marie Parker
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Death of a mother

Web: South Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1729-2012 -
Name: Mariah Bellamy Parker
Birth Date: 1824
Age at Death: 89
Death Date: 1913
Burial Place: Horry, SC
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Death of a brother

Web: South Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1729-2012 -
Name: William Parker
Birth Date: 11 Aug 1848
Age at Death: 66
Death Date: 25 Jun 1915
Burial Place: Horry, SC
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South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: William L Parker
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 66
Birth Date: 1849
Death Date: 25 Jun 1915
Death Place: Nixonville, Horry, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade Parker
Mother: Mary Parker
Certificate Number: 011532
Volume Number: 23

Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head

1920 United States Federal Census -
Name: Buexenridge Parker [Buckridge Parker] [Buomonidge Paskin]
Age: 59
Birth Year: abt 1861
Birthplace: SC
Home in 1920: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
House Number: Farm
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Mary A Parker
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Employment Field: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1920; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: T625_1699; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 298
Death of a wife

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Mary A Parker
Birth Date: 1858
Death Date: 1922
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Spouse: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Children: Mary Grace Edge Tommie Parker Vincie Dale Parker Infant Parker
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South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Mary Parker [Mary Watson]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 63
Birth Date: 1859
Death Date: 21 Oct 1922
Death Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Scarce Book Watson
Mother: Elizabeth Watson
Certificate Number: 019331
Volume Number: 24

Marriage of a daughter
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head

1930 United States Federal Census -
Name: Breckenrige Parker [Precuenrige Parker] [Breckenridge Parker]
Birth Year: abt 1861
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age in 1930: 69
Birthplace: SC
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Map of Home: Dogwood Neck, Horry, SC
Dwelling Number: 144
Family Number: 145
Radio Set: No
Lives on Farm: Yes
Age at First Marriage: 21
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: SC
Mother's Birthplace: SC
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Farmer
Industry: General Farm
Class of Worker: Working on own account
Employment: Yes

Citation details: Year: 1930; Census Place: Dogwood Neck, Horry, South Carolina; Roll: 2201; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 0013; Image: 539.0; FHL microfilm: 2341935
Death of a sister

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Frances Helen Watson
Birth Date: 2 Mar 1866
Death Date: 29 Oct 1945
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: Y
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Franklin Orlando Watson
Children: Maxie O. Watson Edgar H. Watson Parker Ayers Watson Benjamin Miller Watson
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South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Mrs Faucie H Watson [Mrs Faucie H Parker]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 79
Birth Date: 1866
Death Date: 29 Oct 1945
Death Place: Reaves, Marion, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade H. Parker
Mother: Marie Parker
Spouse: F. O. Watson
Certificate Number: 010902
Volume Number: 27

Burial of a father

Web: South Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1729-2012 -
Name: Wade Hampton Parker
Birth Date: 1820
Age at Death: 62
Death Date: 1882
Burial Place: Horry, SC
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Burial of a mother

Web: South Carolina, Find A Grave Index, 1729-2012 -
Name: Mariah Bellamy Parker
Birth Date: 1824
Age at Death: 89
Death Date: 1913
Burial Place: Horry, SC
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Family as a spouse
Family as a child
Relationship to father: Natural
Relationship to mother: Natural
Relationship to father: Natural
Relationship to mother: Natural
December 26, 1947 (aged 87 years)

U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 1947
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Mary A Parker
Children: Mary Grace Edge Tommie Parker Vincie Dale Parker Infant Parker
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South Carolina, U.S., Death Records, 1821-1969 -
Name: Brecken R Parker [Brecken Ridge Parker]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 87
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 26 Dec 1947
Death Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Death Registration Place: SC
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Marah Parker
Spouse: Mary Watson Parker
Certificate Number: 015714
Volume Number: 32


U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current -
Name: Breckenridge Raymont Parker
Birth Date: 1860
Death Date: 1947
Cemetery: Tilly Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Conway, Horry, SC
Has Bio?: N
Father: Wade Hampton Parker
Mother: Mariah Parker
Spouse: Mary A Parker
Children: Mary Grace Edge Tommie Parker Vincie Dale Parker Infant Parker
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