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The Pearl

William Todd was fortunate to escape and board the ship, “The Pearl,” also headed for America. Todd, who was born in 1745, had always dreamed of going to the new world, and happily joined 25 men and 23 women on the vessel. In 1767, they paid their final respects to their beloved Scotland, never to return. They braved to open seas with the promise of receiving a bounty of four pounds of sterling silver and 100 acres of land after providing proof of their Protestant heritage. Any noble and thrifty Scotsman could recognize a great opportunity in settling down in South Carolina.

The Revolution

He would soon meet Hannah, marry, and take-up residence in the Shell and Daisy communities of Loris. Although tolerance for his religion had been granted, he would soon discover his battle with England was not over.

The tariffs and taxes for the early Americans were devastating. Not only were they harsh, they were being forced upon the settlers without representation in their government. By 1765, he and his neighbors had rejected the English Parliament’s authority. War seemed inevitable when the Intolerable Acts were enforced, making all colonies expel their royal officials. The British responded by sending troops to re-establish royal control.

The Patriots, through the 2nd Continental Congress, fought the British, under the command of General George Washington. France entered the fight in 1778, making it an even playing field.

Todd immediately joined in the war and fought alongside Colonel Light Horse Henry Lee and the S.C. militia leader, Brigadier General Francis “Swamp Fox” Marion. Todd was no stranger to guerilla warfare and used his team of horses and wagon for 26 days in the service of Continental Army in January of 1781. He was paid 12 pounds of silver, two shillings, and a six pence for successfully hauling supplies to the Swamp Fox. This would be the turning point of the Revolutionary War.

After the defeat of the British and the signing of the peace treaty in 1783, Todd returned home to Hannah and his children. He would live a quiet and happy life until his death in 1820.

One of his sons, William Todd, Jr., married Elizabeth Ann Stevens Sept. 22, 1798, and lived near Bethlehem Church on the Waccamaw River. He would be buried in the church yard. His son, William III, would operate the Harris Landing ferry for many years in the early 1800s.


The entire Todd family proved to be dedicated to their countries and were smart, hardworking people. Although their native land was Scotland, they firmly planted their feet in Horry County and made a positive mark on our society. Their loyalty to their family and country will forever be remembered.