The Crittenton History

The following information was taken from notes that Riley Crittenton had written in the "Archive Michigan St. Library" in Lansing. Also, from the Secretary's report, 3rd. annual reunion of the "National Association of the Crittenden Family" at the home of Sheldon E. Crittenden.
R.D. Smith, Lawrence C. Crittenton, & George D. Crittenton, also helped in supplying information to this family history.
In N. Nottinghamshire, England, there is the Village of Scrooby; the emigration to Scrooby is of interest to us because it includes 3 brothers from Kent County, England. Their names are: Abraham, Samuel, and Mead Cruttenden.
Probably in the spring of 1608, Abraham Cruttenden became a resident of Holland. Abraham was married to: Elizabeth Roberts. Some time later the two ships, the Speedwell and the Mayflower, left for America. But, the Speedwell returned because of water problems. Among those returning with the Speedwell, was our forefather: Abraham Cruttenden. In the approx. year of 1610, Abraham fathered a son named: Abraham Cruttenden (1).
Rev. Henry Whitfield's wife was a sister of Wm. Chittenden of Crannybrook, Kent County, England. Abraham was identified in some of the writings of John Wesley, referring to the works of the two Whitfield's as one who went to Scrooby, and afterwards to Holland to escape persecution. His son, Abraham (1), no doubt, was inspired by his father's attempt in the Speedwell, also became a member of Mr. Whitfield's party.
Abraham (1), a cousin (?) named, William Leete, Wm. Chittenden, and others, (with their families) left their homes in the town of Crannybrook, Kent County on April 26, 1639. They sailed anywhere from 2-3 weeks later. Abraham's name is there among the 25 signers of the sailing document. Rev. Whitfield's party purchased ground which became: Guilford, Ct. on - Sept. 29, 1639, and parceled it between them by lot. Abraham (1) selected for his residence the lot on Harbor St., now occupied by a: Ichiel M. Hank, Abraham was about 28 years old at the time. After the death of his first wife, Mary (b. 1612 M. Sept. 27, 1630 d. 1664), Abraham (1) married for a second time on May 31, 1665. Her name was - Joanna Chittenden. She was the widow of Wm. Chittenden, and, the daughter of: Dr. Edmund Sheaffe. Joanna died on Aug. 16, 1668. Abraham (1) died in - Sept. of 1681. Abraham (1) is the Great-Great-Grandfather of the Abraham Cruttenden who was the pioneer of Conway, Mass. Crannybrook is some 35 miles S.E. of London, England.
From the family Tiding: According to the best historian authorities, the earliest known Cruttenden's were from England, and, were noted poultry breeders.