"This is to certify that we have received from the Estate of Jabesh Frink, a black and whight pide steer four years old for use of a detachment of General Marions Brigade under the command of Colonel Peter Horry in Georgetown. I say received by us this 21 day of April, 1782. Signed: Matthew Stuart, William Parker Certified: Francis Marion (About a three hundred weight beef)."


"To Jabesh Frink, five pounds, nine shillings and four pence, for Militia Duty"


This indent was given b Ruth Frink to James Smith Junior and by James Smith Junior to Bryant Gause.


"We Ruth Frink, James Smith Junior, and Bryan Gause here by assign over our right and title of the within indent with all trhe interest thereon due or may hereafter become due to James Cockran, his heirs, executors Administrartors or assigns and to their proper use forever having recieved full and ample compensation for the same: given under hand this 19 Apr 1790.


Ruth Frink, Excetrix

James Smith

Bryan Gause


The State of South Carolina: to the estate of Jabesh Frink, to Six Hundred weight beef 8 pounds, 10 shillings and 9 1/2 pence. Personally came before me the widow Frink and being duly sworn sayeth that this is just and sworn to before me this 6 day of August 1783.


John Warden, JP


"This may certify that Mrs. Ruth Frink furnished a four year only steer and two bushels of clean rice for the use of the publick: The above appraised by Brient Gause John Frink and Peter Usry: 1 stare at fifteen pounds currency Rice at thirty five shillings


Signed: Samuel Price

Certified by: Francis Marion


"You will be pleased to deliver to Mr. Abner Smith what ever indents you may have in your ofice belonging to me for my accounts against the publick for whitch I have recieved full setisfaction and this shall be your recit in full for the same. I am

Witness my Hand: Ruth Frink Executrix


Janurary 3, 1791


Ruth Frink as the records show, recieved the indent for John Frink which shoes no transfer to her from JOhn Frink and would indicate that she was due the indent. She later signed her right to the indent as she had that of her husband.


Hall of Records, Charleston, S.C. Book Q4 Page 26. Called otherwise Mesne Conveyance Office. Meaning Conveyence between LIVING persons.


Jabesh Frink))      South Carolina - Craven County


David Hewett))


Whereas a Tract of Land Granted to Coll. William Waites in the year 1736 lying and soituate on the Wacamaw River, Sold by the said Waites to my Father Nicholas Frink now dead and by the last will and testimony of my said father given and bequeathed to me and my Brother Ephriam Frink Equally to be divided by me and said brother, know ye therefore that this indenture made the 3 od Dec. 1767 between Jabesh Frink of the Parish of All Saints in the county of Craven Carpenter by and with the consent will and approbation of Nathan Frink & Ephriam Frink My elder brothers and also by and with the consent of MY Nephew JOHN FRINK son of the deceased brother JOHN FRINK on the one part and David Hewett of the same Parish, County and Province aforesaid on the other part withnesseth that the said JABESH FRINK by and with the consent, will and approbation aforesaid for & in the consideration of the just and full sum of 20 lbs. current money of the province aforesaid to the said Jabesh Frink well and duly paid by the said David Hewett the Receipts hereby Hath Granted Bargained & Sold Aliend enfefed and conveyed unto the said David Hewett & by these presents doth Grant sell alien Bargain and consign unto the said David Hewett and to his heirs & assigns Two Hundred acres of land being the half of the above said Tract of Land Bequesthed to me by my Father the whole content of the sd. Tract of land containing four hundred acres and the Northermost oart if the same and adjoining the Province Line being my aforesaid brother Ephraim Frink half and part as Bequesthed to him by my Father as above recited a line being run through the sd. Tract equally to divide the Same which Northermost Past as aforesaid Bounding on the Province Line my aforesaid Brother Ephraim Frink Sold conveyed and made over unto Edward Wingate Senr. by virtue of a Deed of Sale Bearing dt. (Date?) the fourth Day of August Anno Domini 1750 relation being thereunto had doth more fully and at large appear. Now be it hereby known that its the remaining anf southern most part of sd. Tract of Four Hundred acres of land which I hereby convey to the Sd. David Hewett the same containing Two hundred Acresed aforesaid together also with and every the Buildings Houses Improvements Profits and Commodities whatsoever on that part of the sd- Tract according to the first grant and subject to and under the same condition and limitation as are therein contained adn expressed tyo have and to hold the sd. half tract of land containing two hundred acres and all and every the premises aforesaid and intended to be hereby granted and confirmed unto sd. David Hewett him heirs & assigns forever and the sd. Jabesh Frink by and with the consent and aprobation and aforesaid for himself his heirs Exors Admors and assigns to warrant and Defend the Sd. Land and premisses to them against the claim of all person whatsoever an lastly that the sd. two hundred acres of land is now clear and free from all incumberence whatsover the Quit rents to the king only excepted all which quit rents is hereforgore due on the Sd. two hundred acres as hereby sold ever since the date of the first original Grant & Shall become due henceforth and forever hereafter him the Sd. David Hewett Doth hereby for himself his heirs Exors Admors & Assigns convenant and promise and agree to and with the said Jabesh Frink his heirs & assigns doth assume and take upon themselves to bear and pay of all former arrears of Quit rents due to the Kind on the Sd. Tract of two hundred acres of land whatsoever Sum or Sums Money it may be from the date of the first Original Grant as aforsaid and whatsover Quit rents from henceforth shall become due on the Sd. land and forever to Quit and Discharge the Sd. Jabesh Frink from all such arrears of Quit Rent as aforsaid that is already due to become due hereafteron the Sd, Tract of 200 (first time-numerals used) acres of land. in witness whereof the sd. Jabesh Frink hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written


Signed & Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us

Marth Frink

Thomas Frink

Jabesh Frink (L.S.)

Nathan Frink (L.S.)

John Frink


Recieved from David Hewett the sum of Twenty pounds lawful money of South Carolina being the consideration within mentioned.. I say recieved by me Jabesh Frink.

South Carolina Georgetown District.

Personally came before me DENNIS HANKINS one of his majestrys Jusitices in the Sd. district, Thomas Frink and made oath that he with Martha Frink signed as witnesses the instrument and that he saw Jabesh Frink sign Seal & Deliver the same for the use within mentioned.

Sworn this 2 of Novemeber 1774 before me Dennis Hankins


Recieved and examined this the 17th Day of February 1775



From a letter written by JOHN LAY, Olyphic, North Carolina, Novemeber 29 1929 to J. Austin Best, Augusta, Georgia. (John Lay was born in 1866): " Now I will attempt to tell you about Thomas Frink, as best as I can from what my father told me about him. He lived on a plantation on Pireway Road. He Married Rebecca Gore and had two children by her. I have never heard of his having three children like you said. He had no brothers or sisters. His father died during the Revolutionary War".


In the 1790 Census, RUTH FRINK, the widow of JABESH FRINK, i shown with a son under the age of sicteen as the only other member of her house. Th fact that this was THOMAS FRINK, who married Rebecca Gore is further strengthened by his son, William, havig a child names Jabesh Frink. According to the letter of John Lay, it is further strengthened by the fact that Thomas Frink had no brothers or Sisters.