State of South Carolina

 I, matthias Vaught senior of the District of Horry in the aforesaid, being weak of body but of sound and desposong mind and memory calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing it is appointed to all men to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament - My body I commit to the earth to be Buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executors - and as touching my My worldly goods Wherein it has pleased God to Bless me in this life with I dispose of in the manner and form following----

I lend unto my dearly beloved wife MARTHA for and during the term of her natural life but No longer all my real and personal Estate, Saving & reserving the plantations whereon my sons Solomon & Peter now lives. Household and Kitchen Furniture plantation tools Stock of Hogs cattle Horses & Sheep with all my redy Money Books of account Subject to the conditions herein after named. also the present Crop for her use and present support and at her Death to be disposed of as follows-

My negro woman Florah to my daughter MARY PRICE. 

My negro woman sary to my daughter SARAH TODD.

My Negro woman Heriah to my son SOLOMON with her future increase.

My girl Dorinda with her future increase to my son PETER.

My Negro man Will to my son WILLIAM.

My negro man Jim to my Son JOSEPH.

My Negro man aaron to my daughter E. BELLAMY.

My negro boy Scipio to my daughter MARTHA DUNN.

My Negro Man Cesar to my daughter REBECCA COX-

My Negro girl Betsey to my two Grand Children Rebecca and Joseph Taylor. The above Negroes Bonafidily the Remain the property of my Children their Heirs & assigns agreeable to the above Statement.

It is My will and desire that my two daughters use the plantations they now live until the Death of My wife and fall into the Residum and disposed of as aforesaid - It is also my will and desire that if my Estate during the lifetime of my wife Should make more than will be sufficient for the Support of my wife and my two Grand Children now living with us that the overplus annualy or when ever it May Occur be equally Divided Among My Children . It is my will and Desire that My two Grand Children Rebecca and Joseph Taylor live with my wife as long as She may live and Receive Such Common Education as it ma be convenient during that time to give them or they may Stand in need of - Lastly I hereby Nominate and appoint My two sons Peter & Joseph Vaught Executors of this my last ill and Testament - In witness whereof I do hereunto put my Hand and Seal this fifteenth day of November in the Year of our lord one Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Eight. 

Matthias Vaught ( Seal)

The Testator

I published & declared this paper to Contain my last Will and Testament and at his Request and in the presence of each other signed our Names as Witnesses thereto-

William Lee

Daniel Lee

Nathan Ellis

Recorded December 21st 1833 Will Book A. Page 63