Called a man of more than ordinary education.

Settled at Exeter, Essex County, Ma. in 1640

Townsman, 1647

He and wife (Annah) witnessed against Edw. Hilton in 1645.
In 1647 he won a suit against John Legate and Humphrey Wilson, and Legate won against him and the Walls in a suit over cruelty to his cattle.

In Hampton he and Robert Hethersay had cross suits for defamation, he charging that Hethersay had raised an evil report of his deceased wife; he also sued for breach of contract in carrying her to O. R. (Oyster River?) in a canoe and not bringing her back, as agreed.

About 1650 he married widow Mary Hauxworth of Salisbury and moved there; taxed 1650

Died in Salisbury, Essex Co., Ma.

General Notes: Wife -

In June of 1648, on road from Dover, NH to Exeter, NH, she was waylaided, robbed, brutally murdered, and then thrown in the river. On 7 September 1648, her widowed husband sued one Robert Hithersay for "raising evil reports of his deceased wife, and for breach of promise in carrying his wife to Oyster River in a canoe and not bringing her up in a canoe again". Hithersay, who roved from Concord to Lynn, Exeter, and York, was apparently a wayward character, and may have been suspected of the murder. The book "The Strange Death of Mistress Coffin" is based on this crime and its aftermath.